Some people wonder, if God is Love itself and sin is the cause of all human troubles and even of hell itself, why would not God use some way to prevent humans from sinning altogether. WHAT IS RIGHTEOUSNESS? From quantum physics, we know that all objects or even beings are wave functions. Thus, when we interact with other beings, the waves of our being interfere with other waves. But these waves can interfere constructively or destructively depending on the quality of our intentions and actions. When we intend and act from conscience and reason, our waves interfere righteously or coherently and they are able to fractally implode into the harmonic vortex of Love. This is how we experience joy and the Love within our being continues to grow. However, when we intend and act from self-love, we not only produce disorder and destruction in the outer world, the waves of our being are not able to righteously implode into the harmonic vortex of Love. Instead, these waves are scattered into the disordered fields of hell and, as a consequence, we continue to feel lonely and miserable. Essentially, righteousness or justice is an equilibrium between judgment and mercy. And the Lord Himself said that we should be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. Yet some people foolishly believe that we should not be judgmental towards others. This is basically saying that we should be naive or gullible. In fact, there are many malicious individuals in the world seeking such gullible people in order to take advantage of them. Hence we should always use our God-given faculty of intelligence or judgment to determine what kind of person we are dealing with. For example, we should not cast our pearls (spiritual wisdom) before swine (people who only love wealth and the vanities of the world). Now, if we were only judgmental, we would be harsh and cruel like some self-righteous religious zealots who try to enforce their beliefs upon others by violence. In order to be righteous or just, we must equally practice mercy or love. This means that we must be tolerant and patient with the imperfections of others and respect every person’s spiritual freedom. As human beings, all of us are imperfect; we all have our flaws and we are all progressively learning to be human on earth. And the way we learn is by making mistakes. Hence, we should equally be merciful and forgive all those who are repentant. That "righteousness" has regard to good, and "judgment" to truth, is evident from the signification of "righteousness," and from the signification of "judgment." In the Word, "righteousness and judgment" are many times named together, but what they signify in the internal sense has not yet been known. In the proximate sense "righteousness" is predicated of what is righteous or just [justus], and "judgment" of what is right [rectus]. There is what is righteous when anything is judged from good, and this according to conscience; but what is right when anything is judged from the law, and thus from the righteousness of the law, thus also according to conscience, because it has the law for its rule. But in the internal sense "righteousness" denotes that which is from good, and "judgment" that which is from truth. Good is all that which belongs to love and charity; truth is all that which belongs to the derivative faith. Truth derives its essence from good, and is called truth from good, just as faith derives its essence from love, and in the same way judgment from righteousness. How the hells are ruled by the Lord shall be briefly explained. In general the hells are ruled by a general outflow from the heavens of Divine good and Divine truth whereby the general endeavor flowing forth from the hells is checked and restrained; also by a particular outflow from each heaven and from each society of heaven. The hells are ruled in particular by means of the angels, to whom it is granted to look into the hells and to restrain insanities and disturbances there; and sometimes angels are sent to them who moderate these insanities and disturbances by their presence. But in general all in the hells are ruled by means of their fears. Some are ruled by fears implanted in the world and still inherent in them; but as these fears are not sufficient, and gradually subside, they are ruled by fears of punishments; and it is especially by these that they are deterred from doing evil. The punishments in hell are manifold, lighter or more severe in accordance with the evils. For the most part the more wicked, who excel in cunning and in artifices, and who are able to hold the rest in subjection and servitude by means of punishments and consequent terror, are set over them; but these governors dare not pass beyond the limits prescribed to them. It must be understood that the sole means of restraining the violence and fury of those who are in the hells is the fear of punishment. There is no other way. An opinion has prevailed with some that God turns away His face from man, casts man away from Himself, and casts him into hell, and is angry with him on account of his evil; and some believe also that God punishes man and does evil to him. In this opinion they establish themselves by the sense of the letter of the Word, where such things are declared, not knowing that the spiritual sense of the Word, by which the sense of the letter is made clear, is wholly different; and consequently that the genuine doctrine of the church, which is from the spiritual sense of the Word, teaches otherwise, namely, that God never turns away His face from man, and never casts man away from Himself, that He casts no one into hell and is angry with no one. Everyone, moreover, whose mind is enlightened perceives this to be true when he reads the Word, from the simple truth that God is good itself, love itself, and mercy itself; and that good itself cannot do evil to any one, and love itself and mercy itself can not cast man away from itself, because this is contrary to the very essence of mercy and love, thus contrary to the Divine Itself. Therefore those who think from an enlightened mind clearly perceive, when they read the Word, that God never turns Himself away from man; and as He never turns Himself away from him He deals with him from goodness, love, and mercy, that is, wills good to him, loves him, and is merciful to him. And from this they see that the sense of the letter of the Word, in which such things are declared, has stored up within itself a spiritual sense, and that these expressions that are used in the sense of the letter in accommodation to man's apprehension and according to his first and general ideas are to be explained in accordance with the spiritual sense. When man enters the other life he is received first by angels, who perform for him all good offices, and talk with him about the Lord, heaven, and the angelic life, and instruct him in things that are true and good. But if the man, now a spirit, be one who knew about these things in the world, but in heart denied or despised them, after some conversation he desires and seeks to get away from these angels. As soon as the angels perceive this they leave him. After some interaction with others he at length unites himself with those who are in evil like his own. When this takes place he turns himself away from the Lord and turns his face towards the hell to which he had been joined in the world, in which those abide who are in a like love of evil. All this makes clear that the Lord draws every spirit to Himself by means of angels and by means of influx from heaven; but those spirits that are in evil completely resist, and as it were tear themselves away from the Lord, and are drawn by their own evil, thus by hell, as if by a rope. And as they are so drawn, and by reason of their love of evil are eager to follow, it is evident that they themselves cast themselves into hell by their own free choice. Men in the world because of their idea of hell are unable to believe that this is so. In fact, in the other life before the eyes of those who are outside of hell it does not so appear; but only so to those who cast themselves into hell, for such enter of their own accord. Those who enter from a burning love of evil appear to be cast headlong, with the head downwards and the feet upwards. It is because of this appearance that they seem to be cast into hell by Divine power. From all this it can be seen that the Lord casts no one into hell, but everyone casts himself into hell, both while he is living in the world and also after death when he comes among spirits. Emanuel Swedenborg [HH 543, 545, 548] IMAGE CREDIT: Phi fractal interference of waves: Daniel Winter |
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